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The Best & Most Affordable Ohio Life Insurance Quotes & Companies (2021)

Ohio is the sixth largest union state to be born to Neil Armstrong, Thomas Edison, and the hot dog. Families and people from Ohio look forward, with millions of business people, visionaries, and aficionados from hot dogs all within their borders. A policy of life insurance protecting the future of your loved one keeps your dream alive. Can assist you in meeting your financial objectives. With the correct life insurance coverage, you can safeguard your possessions and the future of your loved ones. can create a list of quotations from prominent life insurance carriers within minutes. All in one location, choose the finest coverage to fit your needs and the correct company.

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Why Should I Invest in Life Insurance If I Live in Ohio?

Although Ohio has its own distinct characteristics, the personal and commercial applications of life insurance are universal. Life insurance guarantees that your survivors, estate, and business will be financially supported or preserved in the case of your death. It may also provide funding for end-of-life needs like long-term care and burial fees.

Survivor Protection

Life insurance provides you with the assurance that your family and loved ones will be financially secure in the event of your death. Life insurance may give money to meet the living expenses of your loved ones, pay off your mortgage and debts, and fund your children's education. It may also result in the creation of an immediate estate.

Living benefits

Whole life insurance, often known as permanent life insurance, accumulates cash value that you can access while you are still alive. Cash value can be obtained through a withdrawal, loan, or surrender of the policy. Long-term care insurance pays for long-term medical or personal care, such as nursing home care or home health aide services. Riders can also be added to permanent plans to provide long-term care coverage.

Estate Conservation

Insurance can also be used to protect your estate. The death benefit of a life insurance policy can be used to pay estate taxes or any other costs incurred by the estate following the death of the policyholder. Coverage also eliminates the need for probate. Outside of the conditions of a will, the death benefit is paid directly to your beneficiary to pay estate taxes, offer an inheritance, or for any other reason you want.

Perhaps the most well-known application of life insurance is for funding final or end-of-life expenses. Regardless of the ramifications, life insurance protects life. The main advantages of having a life insurance policy are the future security of your home and peace of mind while you are still alive. The Ohio Department of Insurance provides consumer education and regulates life insurance in the state.
State Regulations

Ohio is smaller in square miles than the majority of the states it outnumbers in people, such as Georgia and North Carolina. Popular metro cities, such as Cleveland and Cincinnati, are home to a diverse range of professionals, families, and businesses that contribute to the state's life insurance industry. The Ohio Department of Insurance regulates insurers, insurance agents, and insurance products (ODI).

The ODI offers consumer education tools as well as agent education resources. They respond to and investigate consumer complaints about insurers and agents, as well as regulate and enforce insurance regulations. The ODI also oversees vehicle, homeowner, long-term care, and health insurance programmes, as well as annuities. To learn more, go to

Insurance Types

Life insurance is controlled by the state and supplied by life insurance companies, like the retirement vehicles such as annuities. The state of Ohio provides affordable life insurance businesses with permanent and term life insurance coverage. You can discover the proper policy for your needs, whether you wish to leave a legacy or safeguard your estate.

Whole Life

Whole life insurance is any sort of permanent life insurance that pays out a monetary value throughout the course of your life. Whole life insurance plans are distinguished by the manner in which their cash value grows. A classic whole life insurance policy provides a fixed death payment and grows cash value in a general account at a minimum guaranteed interest rate.

Other types of whole life insurance policies, such as universal and variable life, have an investing component. Cash value can be used as a living benefit by policyholders for any purpose. Cash value can be used to supplement retirement plans or to pay for end-of-life medical bills.
Universal and Variable Life

Universal life insurance provides a death benefit as well as minimal cash value growth. Premiums, on the other hand, are placed in an investment account, and the cash value fluctuates based on market performance. Policies that apply to everyone are adaptable. Policyholders have the option of increasing, decreasing, or using the cash value to meet premiums. Policyholders can also reduce or enhance the death benefit (subject to insurability).

Variable life insurance premiums are invested in subaccounts that you own, much like mutual funds. Insurers provide a minimum death benefit, but the cash value and death benefit fluctuate depending on the performance of the subaccounts. Variable life is classified as both security and life insurance, and it is governed by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
A variable universal life policy contains elements of both universal and variable life insurance. Premiums are placed in investment subaccounts in the same way as variable life premiums are, and premiums are adjustable in the same way that universal life premiums are. You have the option of increasing, decreasing, or using the cash value to cover the entire premium. This form of policy is also classified as life insurance and a security.
Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that lasts for a set period of time, which can be as short as a year or as long as 20 years or more, or until the insured reaches a particular age. The policy provides a death benefit only if you die over time. Duration life insurance is cheaper than permanent insurance and has no component of monetary value. The majority of term insurance are guaranteed convertible and renewable, and premiums often rise with age.

Term life insurance, like whole life insurance, is available in a variety of configurations. A decreasing term policy might help you pay off your mortgage or cover the expense of your child's schooling. To increase coverage, add term riders to your life insurance policy. Employer-provided group life insurance is typically an annual renewable term life insurance policy.
Long-term care insurance

Long-term care insurance provides medical and personal care in the event that you are unable to operate independently. Medical services and assisted living care are included. You can also add long-term care coverage to your permanent life insurance policy by purchasing a long-term care policy rider.

What Is the Cost of Life Insurance in Ohio?

Life insurance rates are decided throughout the application procedure during underwriting. Underwriting also influences whether or not your application is accepted. Premiums are calculated by reviewing information from various sources, including your application, the agent's report, consumer reports, and a medical exam.

A no-exam term life insurance policy does not necessitate an insurance exam. It employs accelerated underwriting in conjunction with public records. Typically, such policies are more costly than fully medically agreed insurance, and only candidates under 65 years of age are available.Mortality is a factor in determining life insurance rates in Ohio, as it is in all states. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) provides information and model legislation to assist states in regulating insurance uniformly. The NAIC compiles the Commissioners Standard Ordinary Table (CSO) and provides mortality information. The average mortality rate in Ohio may influence premiums.

Who Has the Lowest Life Insurance Rates in Ohio?

The mortality factor represents the insured's risk of death; the greater your risk is to an insurer, the higher your premiums will be. As a result, regardless of the insurance provider you choose, the younger and healthier you are, the lower your premiums will be. Furthermore, some dangers, such as hazardous employment and hobbies, may prevent your application from being accepted.

Risks are classified by insurers. A preferred risk does not engage in dangerous behaviours, has no history of family-related sickness, is in good health, and receives cheaper premiums. A standard risk is one that an insurer considers acceptable and for which standard rates are charged. A poor risk, such as an applicant with a medical issue, has a higher risk of loss and pays higher rates.
The table below shows the average cost of insurance in Ohio for various age groups.

Age Group Average Cost
Teen $27.87
20–29 $21.47
30–39 $38.36
40–49 $52.26
50–59 $94.79
60–69 $91.20
70–79 $80.62
80–89 $330.76

What Are Ohio's Best and Cheapest Life Insurance Companies?

The greatest life insurance coverage for you is determined by your unique circumstances. Independent rating agencies provide information on the financial strength and ability to pay claims of insurance. A.M. Best, formed in New York City in 1899, was the world's first rating agency. Other rating agencies include Standard & Poor's, Moody's, and others.

Life insurance firms are graded by rating services on a scale of A to D, with an A+ indicating outstanding financial strength and claims-paying capabilities and a D indicating insolvency. The Ohio Life & Health Insurance Guaranty Association works to protect Ohio policyholders in the event that their life insurance company goes bankrupt.
Reinsurance may also be used by life insurance firms to help protect themselves from insolvency. This is when they make a contractual arrangement to share the risk of large policies with other insurers. Ohio has laws that govern insurance holding corporations that engage in reinsurance. As previously said, the younger and healthier you are, the less probable you are to pay higher life insurance premiums. However, the type of plan and the amount of the death benefit that you select influence the cost of insurance. A 10-year term life insurance policy is one of the most affordable insurance plans available. The tables that follow show the average cost of life insurance by age group for a $100,000 policy with a 10-year term.

Best and most affordable life insurance for teenagers

Children's life insurance can be obtained on the day they are born. When a parent or grandparent purchases life insurance for a teen, the parent or grandparent is responsible for paying the premiums and is frequently named as the beneficiary. Depending on the insurer, one advantage of teen life insurance is that a term life insurance policy for a young adult can lock in rates for the whole term.

Protective Life

Protective Life provides low-cost term life insurance products with fixed premiums. A.M. Best, Standard and Poor's (S&P), Fitch, and Moody's all rate Protective Life as having exceptional financial strength. They provide minor life insurance as well as child riders.

Pacific Life

Pacific Life provides insurance in Ohio state for life and disability. Its policy life span increases from 10 to 30 years in five years. Pacific Life offers a good financial perspective and ratings.

The table below shows affordable 10-year, $100,000 life insurance coverage for teenagers in Ohio.
Age Teens
Company name Avg Cost
Protective Life $21.49
Pacific Life $22.58
Lincoln National $23.55
Transamerica $23.70
SBLI $24.77
United of Omaha $30.96
Prudential $31.16
Mutual of Omaha $31.52
Banner Life $34.50
Legal & General America $34.50

Best and cheapest life insurance for those aged 20 to 29

Purchasing a life insurance policy in your twenties is a prudent and responsible decision. But how many people in their twenties are knowledgeable and responsible? Insurance premiums are less expensive for people who acquire a life insurance policy in their 20s, and it can cover college loans and debt, as well as secure the level of living for your loved ones if you die away.


Bestow life insurance offers an online application process that takes seconds to get accepted if you meet the requirements. Their policies are no-exam term life insurance policies. The advantage of Bestow life insurance is the speed with which you can obtain your coverage. Although fully medically underwritten plans are less expensive, Bestow has competitive prices.

Sagicor Life

Sagicor Life Insurance Company provides both permanent and term life insurance coverage. Their rapid underwriting process enables for acceptance of a no-medical-exam term policy within minutes. If you apply online, you will receive your policy via e-mail.
The table below shows the average cost of a $100,000, 10-year term life insurance policy for people between the ages of 20 and 29.

Age 20–29
Company name Avg Cost
Bestow $17.61
Sagicor Life $18.58
Protective Life $19.14
Haven Life $19.87
Legal & General America $21.86
American Family $22.48
Transamerica $22.80
Assurity $23.71
American General $24.22
Vantis Life $24.50

Best and most affordable life insurance for those aged 30 to 39 years old

We may have taken on larger responsibilities by the time we reach our 30s, such as starting our own business, starting a family, or purchasing a home. We've started down our chosen route now that we're older and wiser. Purchasing a life insurance policy to preserve our assets and guarantee our financial future makes sense. This is why most people acquire life insurance in their thirties.

North American

North American offers low-cost term and permanent life insurance coverage. North American was founded in 1886 and is rated A+ by A.M. Best, the Better Business Bureau, and others. Its term policies range in length from 10 to 30 years. The amount of benefits is considerable.

Mutual of Omaha

The Mutual of Omaha's term insurance includes level payments, set death benefits, convertibility and high benefits amounts. Applicants must be aged 18 to 80 to be eligible. Mutual of Omaha is rated A+ by S&P and A.M. Best, and A1 by Moody's.
The graph below depicts the average price for a 10-year, $100,000 insurance for applicants aged 30 to 39.

Age 30–39
Company name Avg Cost
Vantis Life $19.51
Sagicor Life $31.37
North American $34.87
SBLI $38.89
Bestow $40.36
Haven Life $41.35
Minnesota Life $42.73
John Hancock $44.44
American Family $44.86
Mutual of Omaha $45.19

Best and most affordable life insurance for those aged 40 to 49 years old

In our forties, we may have children attending college and other family members who rely on our income to make ends meet. Getting a life insurance policy in your 40s is still reasonable and can ensure that your mortgage or car payments are covered. It also benefits your loved ones in the event that you pass away.

Foresters Financial

Foresters Financial has been in business for 140 years and has had an A+ rating from A.M. Best for the past 20 years. Term, whole, and universal life insurance policies are available through them. Foresters is a modern fraternal benefit organisation sponsored by its policyholders that provides member benefits such as online learning and online document preparation services.


Assurity term life insurance products offer a guaranteed death benefit and stable rates. It also provides annuities and disability income insurance. Assurity has been in operation for almost 125 years and is a B corporation that promotes community sustainability.
The table below shows average rates for a $100,000, 10-year term coverage for adults aged 40 to 49.

Age 40–49
Company name Avg Cost
Foresters Financial $29.49
Sagicor Life $37.28
Bestow $39.63
Assurity $47.09
American Family $52.25
Pacific Life $61.26
SBLI $61.28
Principal Life $63.41
John Hancock $65.31
Vantis Life $65.59

Best and most affordable life insurance for those aged 50 to 59 years old

If you do not have a life insurance policy in place by the age of 50, your life insurance prices will skyrocket. There are still affordable solutions for folks in their 50s, so don't worry. A 10-year term life insurance policy might help you preserve your wealth, leave an inheritance, or make a charitable donation.

Legal and General America

With $782 billion in policies in force, Legal & General is rated AA- by Fitch and S&P and A+ by A.M. Best. They are focused to provide cheap coverage through life insurance plans and universal policy. Legal & General also contributes to charities through annual charitable campaigns and community awards to communities.

Vantis Life

Vantis Life provides term life insurance products that do not require a medical exam. Its policy rates are fixed for 10 to 30 years. Coverage can go up to $2.5 million. Vantis Life is rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau and A.M. Best.
The graph below depicts the average quotation for a 10-year, $100,000 insurance for adults aged 50 to 59.

Age 50–59
Company name Avg Cost
American Family $56.12
Vantis Life $69.98
Sagicor Life $71.44
SBLI $93.81
Haven Life $94.42
Pacific Life $104.44
Legal & General America $106.06
North American $115.97
American General $116.85
Banner Life $118.85

Best and most affordable life insurance for those aged 60 to 69 years old

In the United States, the average retirement age for men is 65, and for women it is 63. People in their 60s are ready to appreciate the finer things in life. A life insurance policy, on the other hand, can help people in their 60s feel safe about their financial future and the future of their loved ones.

Penn Mutual

Penn Mutual is a mutual company, which means that its policyholders own it. Penn Mutual, founded in 1847, collaborates with other insurance firms, such as Vantis Life, to provide a wide range of life insurance products. It has A ratings from S&P, A.M. Best, Kroll Bond, and other organisations.


SBLI Life Insurance Company provides no-medical-exam term life insurance with payout levels up to $750,000. You can convert your term policy into one of its full or universal life policies at any time. A premium waiver rider, a children's term rider, and an expedited benefit rider are among its riders. SBLI was founded in 1907 and holds A ratings from A.M. Best, the BBB, and S&P.

The table below shows the average price for a 10-year, $100,000 term life policy for adults aged 60 to 69.
Age 60–69
Company name Avg Cost
American National $14.90
Penn Mutual $26.10
American Family $27.59
Bestow $58.97
SBLI $66.98
Vantis Life $80.95
Sagicor Life $120.57
Haven Life $149.68
Mutual of Omaha $177.73
Foresters Financial $188.49

Best and most affordable life insurance for those aged 70 to 79 years old

Individuals in their 70s looking for life insurance coverage will have fewer possibilities than if they purchased a policy earlier in life. During our 70s, life insurance policies are more meaningful and often less costly than life insurance policies. Term plans can ensure your final costs are met and that you receive a legacy for your loved ones.

John Hancock

The term benefit levels at John Hancock range from $750,000 to $65 million. Sign up for their Vitality Wellness Program to enjoy discounts and prizes for leading a healthy lifestyle. John Hancock pays out billions of dollars in claims each year and is rated A+ by A.M. Best.

Securian Financial/Minnesota Life Insurance Company

Minnesota Life is a Securian Financial subsidiary that offers term, whole, universal, and long-term care life insurance products. It was established in 1880 and has A ratings from Moody's, A.M. Best, Fitch, and S&P. The table below shows the average quote for a 10-year term life policy for adults aged 70 to 79.

Age 70–79
Company name Avg Cost
Pacific Life $48.97
SBLI $49.50
Mutual of Omaha $60.96
Prudential $64.18
Assurity $70.82
John Hancock $100.34
Principal Life $100.45
North American $101.64
American National $103.68
Minnesota Life $105.64

Best and Cheapest Life insurance for People 80 to 89 Years Old

If you are in your 80s and want to buy a life insurance policy, coverage rates are substantially higher than in past years. You can still locate a policy to help with funeral expenses, settle any outstanding debts, leave a legacy, or make a charity contribution.

Columbus Life Insurance Company

Columbus Life Insurance Company provides both universal and term life insurance plans. All of its policies include an expedited death benefit rider. Individuals over the age of 65 can be covered for up to $150,000 in coverage. It has A ratings with Fitch, S&P, and others and has millions of dollars in assets.

Lincoln National Life

Lincoln National Life Insurance Company provides term life, permanent life, and variable life insurance products. Their Term excel insurance provides fully automated rapid coverage, while their Life Elements Level policy provides benefit amounts up to $1 million.
The figures in the table below represent the average life insurance quote for adults aged 80 to 89 for a 10-year, $100,000 term policy.

Age 80–89
Company name Avg Cost
Protective Life 279.86
Banner Life 291.48
Legal & General America 291.48
American General 291.49
Lincoln National 301.53
Columbus Life 368.26
Transamerica 396.03
United of Omaha 425.92

Ohio Life Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of purchasing life insurance in Ohio?

If you die, life insurance provides financial protection for you and the people you care about. It can be used to repay your mortgage, fund education for your child, leave your legacy, or contribute to charities.

What are the finest Ohio life insurance companies?

The finest life insurance company for you and your loved ones is determined by your requirements. Ensure that all of your priorities are covered by the appropriate insurance policy, and then investigate the financial strength of the life insurance firm using independent rating agencies such as S&P.

In Ohio, where do I go if I have a complaint about an insurer?

Consumer complaints are investigated and addressed by the Ohio Department of Insurance (ODI). It also offers insurance-related instructional resources. It is located at 50 West Town Street, Columbus, OH 43215, and can also be found online at


Many top-rated life insurance companies in Ohio accept applicants of all ages. With a plethora of professions, families, and businesses all under the state of Ohio's roof, the Ohio Department of Insurance provides life insurance rules to safeguard its citizens as well as educational tools to provide them with knowledge before purchasing a policy.

Online insure quote can help you find the correct coverage with the right business in minutes. Simply enter some basic information about yourself, such as your age and state of residence, and Online insure quote will generate a list of quotes from the finest insurance companies for you to compare. You can buy online and get coverage straight immediately. Now is the time to try!