Hospital Indemnity Plans
August 3, 2021
August 3, 2021

Short-Term Health Insurance Plans Comparison

What exactly is short-term health insurance?

Short-term health insurance, also known as temporary health insurance, is a medical plan that can provide people and families with healthcare coverage for a limited time, often ranging from 30 days to 364 days, depending on particular state requirements. Short-term health insurance, like permanent individual health insurance, is designed to cover doctor visits, hospitalization, emergency room care, and specific lab testing. (Permanent, individual health insurance is also referred to as an Obamacare plan and is available through federal or state markets.) Monthly payments, deductibles, coinsurance, copays, the out rate increases are all terms found in short-term plans similar to Obamacare plans. An open network, which allows you to see any doctor or hospital, is a major and distinguishing feature of many short-term health insurance plans, rather than confining you to a small, pre-determined provider network, as is common with Obamacare plans.

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Why is short-term health insurance so much cheaper than Obamacare?

Most customers are taken aback when they learn that short-term health insurance is roughly half the cost of an Obamacare plan. Because they do not include benefits like maternity coverage or ongoing mental health coverage, short-term health insurance policies are less expensive. As a result, temporary health insurance policies do not meet the minimum benefit requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and do not cover clients with pre-existing health issues. Because clients are not paying for full, permanent insurance, temporary, short-term policies cost 50 percent or less. Short-term health plans are designed for the “here and now.”

What should I do if I am unable to qualify for a short-term plan?

It is fairly simple to determine if you are eligible for short-term health insurance, and the vast majority of consumers who apply for short-term coverage are accepted. Short-term health insurance applications often feature five to seven medical “knock-out” questions that determine eligibility, so reviewing and answering those questions will take a minute or two. Because insurance companies have varying application requirements, we recommend contacting a licensed health insurance representative if you have any doubts about your eligibility.

How does short-term medical insurance work?

It is critical to first explore and evaluate your options before purchasing a short-term health insurance plan online. Some health insurance marketers provide a selection of plans, so conduct thorough research. Consider the following factors while shopping for a short-term medical plan:

• Copays for doctor's visits: Are doctor's appointments important to you?

• Copays for Urgent Care: Do you plan to attend an Urgent Care clinic during your coverage period if you have children?

• Prescription drug advantages: Are you currently taking any medications?

• Student-athlete accident benefits: Do you insure a college student who participates in sports during the school year and may require additional coverage beyond short-term health insurance that does not cover intercollegiate or interscholastic sports?

• Benefits of physical treatment: Do you foresee needing therapy in the future?

• Is it vital to be able to see a doctor for a wellness check at least once a year for preventive care or wellness benefits?

Because not all short-term health plans provide one or all of these benefits, it is important to shop around. Determine what is most essential to your health and well-being when comparing plans. Many websites provide filter options, allowing you to search for plans based monthly payment, deductible, and insurance provider, and other factors. Filters can help you limit down what you can afford and what kind of coverage you require.

PPO Plans vs. Open Network Plans

Some short-term health plans feature an all-access policy, which means you can see any doctor you want because your medical claims are paid based on a portion of Medicare's provider reimbursement scale. This implies that if you go to the doctor, they will submit a claim to the plan's administrator for payment. In exchange, the administrator would also send the provider a fixed amount based on the Medicare payment scale to cover the medical services provided. This enables you to keep seeing your present doctor. To avoid any balance billing, confirm that the Medicare share will be sufficient to cover the amount.

If the short-term health plan has a PPO network, you must identify a doctor in the network for your medical claims to be billed at the in-network rate. You can usually leave the network, but there is no guarantee that the administrator will pay your medical bill because you did not stay in-network (it will vary by plan). Some people prefer the security of knowing that their medical expenditures will be paid if they visit in-network doctors. Everything comes down to personal taste.


After completing your comparison shopping, you will need to fill out an application for coverage if you decide to purchase a temporary health insurance plan. Obtaining approval entails a few stages.

Medical Concerns

When you apply for a short-term health plan, health insurance firms are permitted to ask you medical questions. The questions are asked to ensure that you are a good fit for this sort of insurance. You will be asked if you have ever been denied insurance because of a medical condition. You will be asked if you have been advised by a doctor to undergo medical tests but have yet to do so. You may also be questioned if you have had any previous medical difficulties, such as cancer or hepatitis (as an example). The questions differ from company to firm, but there are usually a few to answer before you can move forward with your application.

Duration of Coverage

Short-term health insurance coverage lengths can range from 90 days to 364 days, depending on your state of residency. Some states even allow you to enroll for up to three years in a row (essentially three 364-day policies). How much short-term coverage do you require? Expect to be asked how long you will require temporary insurance coverage. The best part is that if you are underinsured and sign duration of 30 days of coverage because you believe you will find another job before the end of the month and your plans fall through, you can register in another policy. If you sign up for six months of coverage but don't need it after month four, you may cancel at any time and won't have to pay for the entire six months. Short-term health insurance is adaptable and can meet a wide range of coverage requirements.

Who can benefit from short-term health insurance?

Short-term medical insurance might be an alternative answer for almost anyone who needs temporary health insurance. A few examples of life scenarios that may necessitate a short-term health plan are:

• Uninsured as a result of job loss

• A less expensive COBRA alternative

• The waiting period of 60-90 days with the new employer

• At the age of 26, I am no longer covered by my parents' health insurance.

• Early retirees who are not yet eligible for Medicare

• Students in college who require coverage during the academic year

• Graduates who do not yet have a job

• Changes in life circumstances (marriage or divorce)

• Entrepreneurs that are creating their own companies

• Owners of small businesses that acquire their insurance

• People that are ineligible for the ACA Special Enrollment Period

When may I sign up for a short-term health insurance policy?

If you find yourself suddenly without health insurance, short-term medical plans can be a good option, especially if you are outside of the ACA Open Enrollment Period, which runs from November 1 to December 15 each year. If you become uninsured during the six-week Open Enrollment period, you should first consider an ACA plan. Temporary health insurance, on the other hand, can get you covered the next day if you're uninsured outside of the Open Enrollment period and you don't qualify for the Special Enrollment period.

What are the other distinctions between short-term medical insurance and Obamacare (ACA plans)?

Although there are numerous structural parallels between short-term health insurance and Obamacare plans, there are also many benefit distinctions. Here are a few examples:

1. Short-term health insurance policies are not obliged to fulfill the Obamacare essential requirements, which means they are not required to include the 10 basic features that all ACA plans must offer. These benefits include Obstetrics, rehabilitation, and substance abuse are just a few examples. treatment, and other services. Longer-term benefits are often not required when enrolling in a temporary plan for a few months, which is why many of these services are not included in short-term coverage.

2. Short-term medical insurance can cost up to half the price of Obamacare (ACA) coverage. Some temporary health insurance plans might cost up to 80% less depending on age and state of residence. Why? Because the duration of coverage on temporary health insurance is limited, and essential benefits are not obliged to be covered, this is the case. Similarly, there are price disparities in the ACA marketplace. Only 60 percent of average medical services must be covered by Bronze plans, whereas 80 percent must be covered by Gold plans. Because of additional cost shares such as deductibles, Bronze costs less than Gold. (However, those with serious health problems are still urged to seek permanent health insurance through the ACA exchanges.)

3. A short-term health insurance plan might provide coverage as soon as the next day. It can take days or weeks to apply for an Obamacare plan. You must provide proof of your total household income and fill out a significantly longer application. Furthermore, even if you join in an ACA plan during the Open Enrollment period, coverage will not begin for 30 to 45 days. In many circumstances, short-term health insurance provides coverage as soon as the next day.

4. Although short-term health insurance is not accessible in all states, ACA plans are.

Don't forget about the extras.

If you intend to keep your short-term health insurance policy for more than a month, you may wish to examine alternative health insurance policies to round out your healthcare benefits package. As additions to short-term medical coverage, several firms provide Dental or hospital indemnity insurance. Plans that cover other aspects of the healthcare system may be useful if an unexpected event arises.

Short-term medical insurance may be the best option at the correct time.

Temporary health insurance policies are not a bad idea in the short run. If you lose your health insurance due to a job loss, you will have a limited income in addition to being uninsured. Short-term health insurance can provide some relief during a difficult period, whether it is due to unemployment, early retirement, or inability to enter the Obamacare marketplace owing to timing. Going without health insurance is a costly mistake. Most people can agree that being able to obtain affordable coverage when you need it the most is a good thing.